Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Risen Thoughts...

Well, I have been off the blog the past week, as Aidan and I took a trip to San Diego to see my Dad and his wife Chan. So consider me a slacker...anyway, pics from the trip to surely come by weekend. In the meantime, here are some devotional thoughts today:

"The doctrine of a risen Savior is exceedingly precious. The resurrection is the cornerstone of the entire building of Christianity. It is the keystone of the arch of our salvation. It would take a volume to set out all the streams of living water that flow from this one sacred source, the resurrection of our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But to know that He has risen, and to have fellowship with Him as such-communing with the risen Savior by possessing a risen life-seeing Him leave the tomb by leaving the tomb of worldliness ourselves-this is even more precious still." -- Spurgeon

2006 has brought me to a better understanding that my access to Jesus runs very deep, deeper than the deepest well. My communion with him is more than a "quiet time" or reading my Bible. It's more than singing praise songs or even praying with my family. It is an intimacy that cannot be expressed fully in words. It's a communion of two lovers, one loved perfectly and the other trying to love back with great fault. Despite my faults, Jesus awaits me every single day to talk with him, weep with him and celebrate life with him. He is risen! Should I not be risen with him? Should I not awake each day with fervent passion for life? Should I not pursue souls with abandon? Should I not love my family with all I have? Of course I every breath should lead me closer to him.

I have been wrestling in my heart lately as to how I can bring this reality into my life. To intimately walk with Jesus with an honest, transparent heart. I'm still learning. Responding to his leading has certainly brought me into closer fellowship with him. It's rewarding - not in an earthly, material sense, rather in an eternal, spiritual sense. Praise God for his patience with me, too, for I am often a stubborn learner.

-- Peter

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