Friday, March 03, 2006

Better Believe It

Ever eat out at a restaurant, love it, and just gotta tell everyone you know all about it? Why do we do that? Is it because we want everyone we know to blow 50 bills to be catered to, just like us? Who knows! I do know one thing...the same zeal with which we recommend our culinary experiences should be seen in our recommendations for cultivating experiences. Have you met someone new this week? This month? This year? Have you cultivated a friendship with that person so they can experience Jesus in you? My past year or so has been filled with many, many new friendships, and I have to say it has been one of the best experiences. I've seen God open doors for the Gospel more and more as I simply invite other people into my life. It has deepened my desire for God, my desire for authentic friendships, and has challenged me in my thinking because I know better than anyone that often I am wrong in my thinking.

I hope today you'll be thinking about the possibilities that lie in front of you for God to use you to change someone's life for eternity. Are you ready? May we all be ready...

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