Tuesday, August 04, 2009

EMT School - Firefighting Update

Well, with my 2008 Wildland Training, 2009 Firefighter I and Haz Mat Ops Academies behind me, I now embrace EMT school. EMT will consist of 4 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Wednesday for the next 4 months, along with clinicals on Saturdays at Avista Hospital. This will be followed with National Registry practical and written exams in December.

When I was 18 I witnessed a man get thrown into his windshield and back into the vehicle after being rear-ended. He was unbuckled. I was the first to open the door and discover his already deceased body. In the days following that scene, it struck me that I had the personality make-up to become involved with emergency services. Long story short, it took me 15 years to take action and get involved.

Fire service has been a huge transition for me personally but a good one. I have been able to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses, search out the place where I fit best and establish some lifelong friendships with my firefighter brothers. EMS has been the biggest driving force in my getting involved with Louisville Fire. I am excited to be starting that path.

I'm sure the challenges will continue and I am also sure the story list will increase. If you ever in CO and want to hop on a big red truck or check out an ambulance (not as a patient I hope), give me a call.