Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Community (Continued)...

Ever find yourself sitting in a place with a group of people and realize you're the only person not laughing at something just shared? Can be awkward, really. I found myself in that situation recently. Thing is, I didn't feel awkward at all. I felt peaceful. I suppose because in my heart I sensed the Spirit of God compelling me toward him and reminding me that truth trumps the humor of the moment and not laughing actually provided some peace.

Social situations can be complicated. We find ourselves longing so deeply for community that we may compromise our convictions for a shared laughter, maybe even a smile to avoid any possible conflict. But is that community? Earlier this week the small group we are leading had discussion on community again. This time we addressed specific characteristics of community by examining several passages of scripture. We talked over peace, harmony, unity for a great deal of the time. Interesting when you break it down like that. For example, what did Paul mean when he urged believers to live in "harmony"? How does that differ from peace? Think about it.

Rewind to the "awkward" moment. I had a choice. Speak up and say the laughter was misplaced and I risk ridicule, angry responses, isolation from the group. Laugh, and I am inclusive, accepted, welcomed. Remain silent, and I risk either consequence. I walked away from that unnoticed mostly, so I doubt anything came of it. But, it has me thinking this week...community really goes so much deeper than I realized. There are so many layers to this discussion, I wonder if it will ever really conclude. So be it. If it makes me consider God more deeply, I'm game.